Dennerle Plants
Aquarium Plants for Amateurs & Professionals
Dennerle Plants - the professional you can count on for the perfect aquatic plants for every layout: in vitro, XXL potted plants, plant pads for dense carpets, perennials for green surfaces, floating plants for interesting perspectives and more. Whether you are a professional or an amateur, with Dennerle Plants you can create a gorgeous underwater garden and a truly cosy home for all the inhabitants in your aquarium.
Dennerle Plants: 1 - 30 of 181 items
Dennerle Plants Echinodorus - Ozelot, large, XXL
- Striking spotted pattern
- For temperatures above 18 °C
- Max. height: 20 - 30 cm
Dennerle Plants Amblystegium serpens CUP
- Thrives in the northern hemisphere
- Suitable for the foreground
- Prefers fresh water
Dennerle Plants Hygrophila lancea 'Araguaia' CUP
- Origin: Brazil / Asia
- Stem plant
- Middle ground, possibly foreground
Dennerle Plants Bucephalandra pygmaea - Bukit Kelam - CUP
- Long leaves
- Dark green colour
- Ideal on roots & stones
Dennerle Plants Marsilea hirsuta CUP
- Origin: Australia
- Dense ground cover
- Foreground & middle ground
Dennerle Plants Cryptocoryne usteriana CUP
- Native to: The Philippines
- Suitable for the background
- Requires hard water
Dennerle Plants Ludwigia arcuata CUP
- Origin: North America
- Stem plant
- Midground & background
Dennerle Plants Pogostemon deccanensis CUP
- Native to Asia
- A popular stem plant
- Robust growth, strong root systems
Dennerle Plants Cryptocoryne lucens
- Easy to care for
- Narrow, green leaves
- Max. height 10 - 20 cm
Dennerle Plants Anubias barteri var. glabra
- Narrow leaves
- Medium to low light
- Location: Centre
Dennerle Plants Heteranthera zosterifolia CUP
- Origin: South America
- Bushy stem plant
- Middle & background plant
Dennerle Plants Ranunculus inundatus CUP
- From Australia
- Stem plant
- Foreground & middle ground
Dennerle Plants Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Broad Leaf' CUP
- Native to: Sri Lanka
- Suitable for the foreground
- Very easy to care for & adaptable
Dennerle Plants Staurogyne repens CUP
- Origin: South America
- Moderate demands
- Stem plant
Dennerle Plants Alternanthera reineckii Mini
- Location: Foreground
- Gorgeous colour
- Slow growth
Dennerle Plants Utricularia graminifolia CUP
- Ornamental and bright plant
- Forms a dense ground cover
- Propagation: runners, division
Dennerle Plants Hygrophila pinnatifida CUP
- Origin: India
- Stem plant
- Middle ground
Dennerle Plants Ceratophyllum demersum
- Grows fast
- Growth height: up to 120cm
- Strong nutrient consumer
Dennerle Plants Microsorum pteropus on Root
- Planted on a beautiful mangrove root
- Versatile location
- Dimensions: 16 x 6 x 20 cm
Dennerle Plants Lilaeopsis brasiliensis, Potted plant
- Foreground plant
- Grassy appearance
- Slow growth rate
Dennerle Plants Pogostemon stellatus sp.
- Stem plant for the background
- Strongly coloured leaf tips
- Growth height: up to 40cm
Dennerle Plants Anubias barteri XXL
- Native to Africa
- For the mid-ground
- Firm, large leaves
Dennerle Plants Alternanthera reineckii 'Lila' CUP
- Native to: South America
- Suitable for the background
- Average demands
Dennerle Plants Cryptocoryne lutea
- A small plant
- Perfect for the foreground
- Dark green leaves