Dennerle Plants
Aquarium Plants for Amateurs & Professionals
Dennerle Plants - the professional you can count on for the perfect aquatic plants for every layout: in vitro, XXL potted plants, plant pads for dense carpets, perennials for green surfaces, floating plants for interesting perspectives and more. Whether you are a professional or an amateur, with Dennerle Plants you can create a gorgeous underwater garden and a truly cosy home for all the inhabitants in your aquarium.
Dennerle Plants: 188 items
Dennerle Plants Cryptocoryne x purpurea CUP
- Native to: Southeast Asia, Borneo
- Suitable for the foreground
- Requires nutrient-rich soil
Dennerle Plants Aegagropila linnaei - Set of 3, 3 Pcs
- Easy to care for & adaptable
- 3 balls with algae growth
- For foreground & middle ground
Dennerle Plants Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini' CUP
- Native to: South America
- Average demands
- Suitable for the foreground
Dennerle Plants Heteranthera zosterifolia CUP
- Origin: South America
- Bushy stem plant
- Middle & background plant
Dennerle Plants Anubias bart. var. nana - Multi-stem
- Slow growth rate
- Easy to care for
- Decorative, for the foreground
Dennerle Plants Helanthium bolivianum 'Quadricostatus' CUP
- Native to South America
- Rosette-growing plant
- Middle & foreground
Dennerle Plants Amblystegium serpens CUP
- Thrives in the northern hemisphere
- Suitable for the foreground
- Prefers fresh water
Dennerle Plants Taxiphyllum sp. 'Flammenmoos' CUP
- Very easy to care for
- Twisted growth habit
- Ideal for tying up
Dennerle Plants Bucephalandra pygmaea - Bukit Kelam - CUP
- Long leaves
- Dark green colour
- Ideal on roots & stones
Dennerle Plants Echinodorus grisebachii - Bleherae, XXL
- Large sword plant
- Rapid growth rate
- Growth height 60 - 80 cm
Dennerle Plants Anubias barteri var. nana Kirin
- Easy to care for
- Height: 5 - 8 cm
- Location: foreground
Dennerle Plants Rotala indica CUP
- Origin: Southeast Asia
- Upright stem plant
- Compact growth
Dennerle Plants Riccardia chamedryfolia CUP
- Origin: South East Asia
- Shoots cling to roots and rocks
- Foreground
Dennerle Plants Eriocaulon cinereum CUP
- Rosette plant
- Foreground
- Adaptable
Dennerle Plants Anubias barteri XXL
- Native to Africa
- For the mid-ground
- Firm, large leaves
Dennerle Plants Marsilea hirsuta CUP
- Origin: Australia
- Dense ground cover
- Foreground & middle ground
Dennerle Plants Utricularia graminifolia CUP
- Ornamental and bright plant
- Forms a dense ground cover
- Propagation: runners, division
Dennerle Plants Taxiphyllum alternans 'Taiwan' CUP
- Origin: Asia
- Dense & branched growth
- For detail-rich aquascapes
Dennerle Plants Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba' CUP
- Native to North America
- Delicate ground cover
- Foreground & nano tanks
Dennerle Plants Glossostigma elatinoides CUP
- Native to Australia
- Popular ground cover
- Higher light requirements
Dennerle Plants Limnobium laevigatum CUP
- Origin: Central & South America
- Floating plant
- Ideal for tanks that are open & for breeding shrimp