Products by Fluval

Everything you need for clean, healthy water in your aquarium

Fluval made a breakthrough on the aquarium scene in 1975 with the introduction of the world's first 3-stage filter with synchronous motor technology - a milestone that is still used in the industry today. Since then, Fluval has built a legacy around this pioneering spirit, relentlessly adapting in an ever-changing world to bring innovative aquarium products to market that are at the forefront of technology and set the standard in quality, style and functionality.

Beyond its role as a manufacturer, Fluval prides itself on its charitable and educational efforts that benefit the aquarium community, whether it's supporting the protection of wild coral reefs with funding or hopping on a plane to document endangered fish species on the other side of the world. Our mission is not only to create products that mimic the natural world around us, but to inspire aquarists from beginner to professional to enjoy and respect the hobby we love so much today and into the future.

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Fluval: 151 items