Aquarium Tablets & Tabs
Tablets & Tabs : 1 - 30 of 33 items
Sera Viformo Nature, 250ml
- Tablet food for catfish and loach
- Staple food made from carefully manufactured tabs
- Rich and valuable for species-appropriate and natural nutrition
Sera Catfish Chips Nature, 1L
- Chips for rasping ancistrus and L-catfish
- Staple food made from carefully manufactured chips
- Rich and valuable for species-appropriate and natural nutrition
Sera O-Nip Nature, 100ml (60 g)
- Adhesive tablets as a treat for a healthy change
- With a high proportion of feed animals such as mosquito larvae, krill and tubifex
- Rich and valuable for species-appropriate nutrition
Tetra Pleco Tablets, 275 tablets
- Vegetable staple food for all herbivorous bottom fish
- Optimal, varied diet for bottom-eating and shy fish
- Tablets sink quickly, can be placed well and dissolve slowly
Tetra FunTips Adhesive Food Tablets, Small (75 tablets)
- Combines high-quality special flakes with nutritious natural food
- Two-tone tablets for colouring and health
- Easy attachment to aquarium glass or decorative objects
Sera Catfish Tabs XXL Nature, 1L
- Floor or adhesive tablet for larger catfish and other floor inhabitants
- Staple food made from carefully manufactured tablets
- Rich and valuable for species-appropriate and natural nutrition
Tetra TabiMin Food Tablets, 275 tablets
- Guaranteed clear water formula (Clean & Clear)
- Stabilised vitamin C promotes resistance
- Fast falling tablets
- For small herbivorous suckermouth catfish
- In tablet form
- Contains wood
Sera Spirulina Tabs Nature, 60g
- Plant-based food in the form of adhesive tablets
- Suitable for fresh and saltwater
- Particularly high spirulina (27%) promote digestion and vitality
- For all aquarium fish
- For fish size 1-20 cm
- With shrimps, salmon & tubifex
Fluval Bug Bites Bottom Feeding Fish - Sticks (M-L), 130 g
- Mixture of animal proteins and vegetables
- High proportion of raw fibres
- High fibre feed
Sera Vipachips Nature, 1L
- For all fish in the lower water zone
- Carefully selected ingredients with a prebiotic effect
- Rapidly falling food chips with excellent digestibility
Dennerle Pleco Menu, 200 ml
- Staple food for harness and catfish
- For algae and herbivorous catfish
- 100% natural ingredients
Tetra Pleco Spirulina Wafers, 250 ml
- Vegetable premium food for bottom fish
- Rich in minerals for more well-being and vitality
- With essential fibre for good digestion
Fluval Bug Bites Bottom-Feeding Fish - Granules (S-M), 45 g
- A mixture of animal proteins and vegetables
- High proportion of raw fibres
- High fibre feed
Tropical Supervit Chips, 1.000 ml
- Sinking chips
- Strengthens the immune system
- Best quality ingredients
Microbe-Lift Vita Pleco Catfish Food, 250 ml
- Cold-pressed, gentle on vitamins
- Highest quality ingredients
- Without spirulina
Tetra Pleco Tablets XL, 133 tablets
- Vegetable staple food for all herbivorous bottom fish
- Optimal, varied diet for bottom-eating and shy fish
- Tablets sink quickly, can be placed well and slowly dissolve
Tetra TabiMin Food Tablets XL, 133 tablets
- Guaranteed clear water formula (Clean & Clear)
- Stabilised vitamin C promotes resistance
- Fast falling tablets
Oase Organix Pleco Veggie Tabs, 500 ml
- For herbivorous bottom feeders
- With special algae mix
- Optimal nutrient content
Sera Plankton Tabs Nature, 50 ml
- Universal nutritious colour feed for bottom-dwelling fish and invertebrates
- Carefully selected ingredients, gentle production
- High-quality ingredients such as krill and other plankton organisms
- For herbivorous suckermouth catfish
- Fish food in tablet form
- With wood content
Oase Organix Daily Tabs, 175 ml
- For herbivorous & carnivorous fish
- Ideal for bottom feeders
- Carefully balanced nutrients